Jasnogórskie Centrum Informacji - English – Jasna Góra Information Centre employees awarded!

Jasna Góra Information Centre employees awarded!

Oct. 16, 2024, 2:12 p.m., Jasnogórskie Centrum Informacji

Jasna Góra Information Centre employees awarded!

Last Friday, September 27, the Częstochowa celebrations of World Tourism Day took place at the Arche Hotel. This event has been exceptionally important for the Jasna Góra Information Center for another year.

It is worth mentioning that last year our entire center received a distinction for animating the tourist life of the city and region. This year, individual distinctions were awarded to employees, guides and volunteers who serve pilgrims and tourists who visit the Jasna Góra Sanctuary in such large numbers.

We should start with Sister Małgorzata Kierznowska from the Congregation of the Ursuline Sisters of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, who has been a long-time guide at Jasna Góra - both for Polish and German-speaking groups. Since January 2022, she has been the director of the Jasna Góra Information Center. Since then, the Jasna Góra Center has undergone a noticeable metamorphosis and adjustment of the quality of service to modern standards.

The next distinguished person was Przemysław Jaskurzyński, who promotes the city and region by showing guests from Poland and abroad around the Jasna Góra Sanctuary. In his free time, he is also happy to show them around the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, although, as his colleagues say, his interests go far beyond the regions close to our city.

Magdalena Cyngier-Baldowska, who is responsible for the organization and smooth running of our dear guests' visits to Jasna Góra, was appreciated. It is she who creates and nurtures very good contacts with representatives of the Częstochowa City Office.

Nadiia Shuba, who willingly shares her knowledge and radiant smile with pilgrims, was also among the honored ones. As a guide, she accompanies guests from Ukraine coming to the Sanctuary, and is also a strong and invaluable support in the work of the office, where she uses her knowledge of German.

It is hard to imagine the Jasna Góra Information Centre without the invaluable work of community activists who devote their free time to the cause of Jasna Góra. Historian, Americanist, Iberianist, Dr. Bartosz Stuła, is a representative of our centre's volunteers, who was also honoured with an award. He brings the history of the Jasna Góra Sanctuary closer to Spanish-speaking groups, although he supports them in Italian and English in office work.

We can assure you that although individual awards and distinctions are valuable, the most important thing for each of us is everyday service and work at the side of Our Lady of Jasna Góra. We deeply believe that with their hard work and dedication, more employees, guides and volunteers of the Jasna Góra Information Centre will join the group of distinguished ones in the future.

Photo: Łukasz Stacherczak (UM)
Complete press release na: https://www.czestochowa.pl/czestochowski-dzien-turystyki

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