Jasnogórskie Centrum Informacji - English – Museum of St. John Paul II and Bl. Cardinal Wyszyński

Museum of St. John Paul II and Bl. Cardinal Wyszyński

June 13, 2024, 12:14 p.m., M L

Museum of St. John Paul II and Bl. Cardinal Wyszyński

A special place dedicated to St. John Paul II and Bl. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, two most recognisable and influencial men of the Catholic Church in Poland and in the world is available for pilgrims and visitors at St. Roch's Bastion at Jasna Góra.

An exhibition titled: "There Would Not Be a Pope from Poland if it Was Not for Your Faith - Primate of the Millenium Blessed Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński" was opened on the occasion of the beatification of Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński on September 12, 2021 and shows a number of personal commemoratives of the Primate of Poland. Among others are: liturgical vestments, letters and books as well as the Millenial gown of Our Lady of Jasna Góra and Millenial crowns blessed by Cardinal Wyszyński during the celebrations of the Millenium of Christianity Poland observed in 1966.

The exhibition also shows John Paul II's commemoratives and takes us into the year of the first papal pilgrimage to Poland organised by then still living Cardinal Wyszyński (1979).

All who would like to follow into the Jasna Góra footsteps of the two great men of the Church are welcome to St. Roch's Bastion between 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM.

Photo archive of Jasna Góra Press Office

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